Time period
05. March – 06. June 2022

Ursula Beiler, Katrin Böge, Daniela Chinellato, co.op STOFF (Irmgard Hofer-Wolf und Monika Köck), Carmen Eisath, Karolina Gacke, Marianna Gostner, Nora Gutwenger, Kata Hinterlechner, Erika Inger, Brigitte Knapp, Vanja Krajnc, Clara Mayr und Morin Pichler, Katharina Theresa Mayr, Milena Meller, Lene Morgenstern, Elisa Nave, Anne Marie Pircher, Barbara Plagg, Paula Regina Prugger, Christiane Raich, Sylvie Riant, Karin Schmuck, Miriam Taschler, Barbara Tisocco, Laura Volgger, Erika Wimmer Mazohl und Anna Maria Mackowitz.
30 women artists created works on the theme of courage in temporary studios in the fortress in January and February, transforming the Franzensfeste into a WOMENfortress. During an open competition in autumn 2021, interested female artists from the three countries of the European region Tyrol, South Tyrol and Trentino can apply for the WOMENfortress project. A jury selected 27 project ideas from the numerous submissions. During the project, the artists will move into a temporary studio in the rooms of the Fortress during the winter months of January and February.
Artists from all fields, i.e. the visual arts, painting, sculpture, photography and video art, but also the performing arts such as dance, singing, composition and literature, work in studios on the theme of courage. The Fort serves not only as a working space, but also as a space for inspiration. Through their artistic work, the women destroy the inscribed masculinity of the Fortress, occupy the spaces and create artistic positions that address very different facets of courage and daring.
The results of this first edition of the WOMENfortress will be presented in the exhibition of the same name.
Curated by: Esther Erlacher
Photos: Manuela Tessaro