Opening: Disposing of Hitler. From the cellar to the museum

Time period

05. April at 11 a.m.

Hitler entsorgen, (c) hdgö
About the event

The Franzensfeste Fortress State Museum invites you to the opening of the exhibition ‘Disposing of Hitler. From the cellar to the museum’, organised by the House of Austrian History.

The exhibition poses the question of how we should deal with relics of National Socialism today – do they belong in a museum, should they be disposed of or sold? It encourages a debate about social responsibility in dealing with such remnants and sheds light on how these relics can strengthen democratic awareness.

In the Franzensfeste, the exhibition will be expanded to include a regional perspective on the effects of fascism and National Socialism on South Tyrol. In view of the global rise of nationalist and populist movements, this critical reflection is particularly important today.

Further information will follow shortly